Leadership Career Coaching
Leaders work with me either in highly personalized one-on-one coaching, via group coaching programs, team coaching (see High-Performance Team Communication) or through self-directed learning.
Frequently asked questions
Financing Options & Other Questions
When will signups for the Leadership Communication Program be available?
How can I get more information or ask additional questions about the Leadership Communication Program?
If you have more questions, you can send a message or book a call and indicate that you would like to know more about the Leadership Communication Program.
What are the payment options and when is the payment due for the Leadership Communication Program?
Question: How can I find out if my employer will cover the cost of the Leadership Communication Program?
Scroll to the end to get a link to find out if your employer would cover the cost of this program, with a template how to ask for support.
Terms and conditions
All terms and conditions are outlined here and available for download.
Mastering High-Stakes Communication At Work
This is the author’s third book; tackling the challenges of leadership communication.
This book will launch in Dec 2024.
Virtual Leadership Skills
Leaders learn about the most critical skills required to thrive in a vitual, remote workplace.
High-Performance Virtual Work
This book is aimed at leaders who work in virtual, remote and hybrid workplaces. Learn how to create highly productive, collaborative, and healthy teams.
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Newsletter Sign Up
Subscribe for monthly updates on leadership communication, career brand development, communication skills and related topics.
Frequently Asked Questions
Financing Options & Other Questions
When will signups for the Leadership Communication Program be available?
How can I get more information or ask additional questions about the Leadership Communication Program?
If you have more questions, you can send a message or book a call and indicate that you would like to know more about the Leadership Communication Program.
What are the payment options and when is the payment due for the Leadership Communication Program?
Question: How can I find out if my employer will cover the cost of the Leadership Communication Program?
Scroll to the end to get a link to find out if your employer would cover the cost of this program, with a template how to ask for support.
Terms and conditions
All terms and conditions are outlined here and available for download.