About Zaradigm

Hi, my name is Corinna Hagen, and I have created Zaradigm to help emerging leaders build unshakeable confidence and to communicate with impact. 

Why Leaders Work With Us

A lot of leaders like you have gotten to where you are through excellence in your field of expertise, but as you know, to lead effectively, you need skills beyond subject matter expert.

If you trust in your historic successes to carry you into the future, you will remain stuck in your position. To get to the next level of impact. You need to expand your skillset consistently.

But, where should you start? That’s a great question. 

Why Communication Matters So Much

Many leaders realize how far-reaching the impact of communication is. It impacts everything, from

  • effective team management, 
  • successful transformation, (2x) 
  • employee engagement or productivity (12x), 
  • leadership brand perception (80%),
  • and the ability to land your next role at the price you’re worth.

That’s what I help you with at Zaradigm. 

Leadership Communication As A Career Catalyst

Thriving leaders have one thing in common: they understand the power of communication. Executives who communicate well thrive even in tough times!

One young manager I had worked with had gathered all the facts around a quite brilliant idea, yet couldn’t rally support. She was an expert in her field, but she left the company. Voicing her frustrations, she said she was not heard, despite her invitation to present to the ELT. Her aggressive communication style and lack of collaboration were a known secret. We stayed connected, and she later shared she had the same issue at her next employer. A repeated cycle is hard to watch and avoidable! Stories like these inspired me to venture into communication coaching.

I’ll help you succeed regardless of the business, cultural, or economic climate. On this blog, you’ll find what you need to excel as a leader.

We are here to be hands-on, no fluff down-in-the-mud with you to help you to excel, whether through your brand, your skill development or practical support through communication pieces that we create for you.

Does This Sound Familiar?

If you are working in a leadership role, these challenges may sound familiar to you. You  need to:

  • create high-stakes communication for board meetings,
  • lead teams to high performance,
  • handle conflict,
  • make difficult decisions, 
  • drive transformation,
  • convince investors,
  • or close major deals with executives?

What We Do For You

At Zaradigm, you find a full-service portfolio for executive communication. 

That means we offer you the helping hands you need to get critical communication pieces done for you. 

But we also provide you with coaching to improve your leadership communication skills and build your leadership brand for a thriving career.  We’re here to make you stand out. 

If that resonates with you, then let’s talk. You can schedule a call with me down below, or you can connect with me on LinkedIn

Either way, I look forward to hearing your story!

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Contact & Registration

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Statement of Ethics & Compliance

I believe integrity is important for both character and trust development. As a coach, I am committed to abide by the standards of the International Coach Federation (ICF). You can read about their Code of Ethics on their website.

As a person of faith, I believe in the connection of everything to God as our creator. I will never impose my beliefs on anyone, but my commitment to transparency requires me to disclose my belief since it informs my decisions. 

Similarly, I respect the beliefs of my clients and only request from coaching clients that they would share their beliefs as far as it informs their decisions. 

Decisions are a vital part of coaching and the path to achieving goals – this is why a coaching client’s underlying values need to be considered in the process.

Lastly, I believe there is growth for everyone if there is a sharing of feedback. During and after every workshop, coaching engagement or consulting engagement, I request feedback that I take seriously.

Top executives have worked with coaches for decades because it works. Coaching is no longer an exclusive service only offered to executives of large corporations. The increasing popularity of coaching in the workplace delivers benefits to you:

Leadership Coaching is your safe space to work on your goals. When you go to a leadership or communication seminar, you often walk away with great information. But you’re missing results that help you to lead and face your unique challenges.

Information Doesn’t Equal Transformation

Leadership Coaching allows you to work on your own agenda and your challenges a safe space with a trusted advisor.

For most leaders, work is so demanding and fast-paced that there is little time to reflect. And often, you have no one available to help you work through your obstacles.

This is where coaching uses a proven process to break through the communication barriers you face in leadership and business. Imagine having clarity, confidence and making consistent progress toward your goals!

Take a test drive: book a free consultation with me and see for yourself!

Schedule a completely free, 1-hour consultation to explore