Leadership Communication Coach Corinna Hagen - Profile Picture

Coaching Plans

Corinna Hagen

High-Stakes Communication • Cross-Cultural • Executive (Leadership Development) • High-Performance Teams • Personal Growth • Small Business • Startup • Groups and Teams

2X Leadership Coaching

$629.00 PER MONTH

We go beyond vision, purpose and feel-good topics. Instead of platitudes in response to complex challenges, we question default answers, explore…

3X Leadership Coaching

$995.00 PER MONTH

We go beyond vision, purpose and feel-good topics. Instead of platitudes in response to complex challenges, we question default answers, explore…

Leadership Communication Fundamentals (One-on-One)


Leaders aren’t born, they are trained. While 75% of employees state that communication is the No.1 skill expected of leaders, >85% think that their…

Career Change Program (One-on-One)


Change your career trajectory in a few weeks. Leaders who have worked with me have transitioned to new roles 5X faster than the average job-seeker – even in …

Group Coaching Programs

Monthly Leadership Coaching

Hands-on advice, practice time, networking and the right motivation to keep you on track. 

Be a needle-mover. Be the leader in your own career and work on your career advancement and personal leadership growth together with likeminded leaders. In this environment, you are fueled to grow to reach goals you might have hesitated to pursue. Yet, here we are. 

Leadership Communication Program

6 Modules –  Go At Your Own Pace.

Work with ambitious leaders like yourself in a group setting to refine your executive communication skills through challenging exercises and practical teaching.

Career Change Program

8 Modules –  Go At Your Own Pace.

Transform your career, pivot to a new career, or prepare to land your dream role and create a professional brand that positions you to be sought-out by employers.