How to Make Better Decisions


Welcome to the first new edition of Leading Choices (LC #1). In each edition, I will cover three categories as stated in the grey bookmark on the right. 

I sent the first edition to my subscribers on March 11, 2021. To get the latest edition, use the sign-up form to the right. 

1 – Leading Thought

Choice decides your destiny, not chance. Passivity is a choice, too. – Corinna Hagen Share on X

2 – Your Choice

Have you ever wondered how much influence you can have on your career or your leadership? How often do external factors influence your decisions?

Quite frankly, it hardly matters. That’s because you have the power of choice. That means, even if you are hit by unfavorable circumstances, you can choose to respond in different ways. Indecision and passiveness are choices, too.

Why does this matter? Mainly because the more you decide not to make a choice, the harder it gets to make a choice when it counts. Many people choose inaction and stay in careers that do not suit them or do not fulfill them. In addition, many tolerate behaviors in their organization until the impact on the culture this behavior creates is hard to reverse.

3 – Way to Grow!

How can you make better decisions?

In this Leading Choices edition, the options for you to grow your ability to make confident choices (and stick with them) are listed with these helpful mini-courses:

  • Decision-Making Strategies (Beginners) – 47 min.
  • Executive Decision-Making (Intermediate) – 50 min.
  • Time-Tested Methods for Making Complex Decisions (Intermediate) – 25 min.
  • Making Key Decisions as a Manager (Intermediate) – 31 min.
  • Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action (Blinkist Book Summary) – 13 min.
  • Critical Thinking for Better Judgment and Decision-Making (Advanced) – 56 min.

Here’s to making great choices!
