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job search basics course bundle

Resume Basics and Tools

Take less than 20 minutes to learn how to create a great resume quickly with these tips and available tools.

Job search course ATS Resume

Getting Your Resume ATS-Ready

Learn how to optimize your resume so your resume will get in front of recruiters and not filtered out by an Application Tracking System (ATS).

job search define professional brand

Defining Your Professional Brand

Learn how you can shape your career brand image to be perceived by hiring managers as the professional for the roles you're aiming for.

job search linkedin profile course

Master Your LinkedIn Profile

Learn how to create a LinkedIn profile that will make you stand out and leverage LinkedIn's profile settings and tools to boost you to the top in search results.

job search career network

Defining Your Professional Brand

Learn how to build a strong career network and put it to use to drastically improve your chance of getting hired into your target role!

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