Leadership Communication Coach Corinna Hagen - Profile Picture

Coaching Plans

Corinna Hagen

High-Stakes Communication • Cross-Cultural • Executive (Leadership Development) • High-Performance Teams • Personal Growth • Small Business • Startup • Groups and Teams

Career Change Program (1:1)

Change your career trajectory. Leaders who have worked with me have transitioned to new roles 5X faster than the average job-seeker – even in the later stages of their careers and in leadership positions.

In 6 sessions, we will work together to identify your ideal career target, create a career roadmap that you can follow beyond our coaching engagement, and develop your transition. This includes working together on your profile and your career brand, preparing for interviews and negotiations, and more. You can with me at your own pace and schedule using the coaching platform.

Those who have chosen this package have all reported being in fulfilling roles and have accelerated their careers. What would it feel like if you were in a fulfilling career a few months from now? Would you give it your best shot?

In this one-on-one setting, you have the freedom to determine the coaching roadmap and choose topics that suit your unique career needs. Take a look at popular topics other leaders typically work through.



6 sessions $2500.00/package (total)

Important: This is the VIP (one-on-one) option for the Career Change Program. A lower-priced option is available with the group coaching format. You can find more information here: Career Change (Group) Program.

Payment Details

  • This package charges a single package price.
  • Payment is due in full upfront.
  • Invoices are generated and charged automatically based on the above payment schedule.

Cancellation Policy

  • If you do not find the coaching useful after the first session, send an email to your coach and your engagement will be cancelled with a full refund. 
  • If you did not join a scheduled session or cancel late (within 24 hours), the meeting is not refundable and cannot be rescheduled.

All terms and conditions are outlined here and available for download.